Ways to overcome hassles

Ways to overcome hassles

During your cloud database migration you may have to deal with performance and security issues. Here is how this can be tackled with ease.

  1. Security: Your public cloud host could potentially be untrusted. It can reside anywhere, and there is no control of the customer over this aspect. One way out is to implement a private cloud. Factor this into your SLA. The provider’s job is to provide the infrastructure, make the data available, and adhere to the security policies of the agreement. The data massaging or cleansing activity must be undertaken in-house because in principle, the provider should not view or process any data from your database.
  2. Applications performance may vary on the cloud: Keep in kind that data will travel over a remote network and not just a LAN after the database migration. There may arise a need for re-writing codes. Some applications will already be cloud-compatible, while others may not work at all. For example, Oracle has partnered with Amazon, but Oracle does allow for other service providers to host its databases. Know where your provider stands on knowledge of the various applications and databases that are in migration.
  3. Multiple database migrations: Moving multiple databases can be a challenge if any applications depend on all of them. In such a scenario, the entire structure will have to be migrated to the cloud. The difficulty lies in finding a vendor who will host the multiple database set-up. In general, the migration of one or two databases to the cloud is more feasible than migrating many.